Minutes Executive Board Meeting 2000

September 6-7, 2000

Agrinio, Greece

1. Roll Call

Wednesday 6/9

Thursday 7/9

Members with vote


Mr. Andres Botero

IWSF President


Mr. Graziano Tognala

IWSF Secretary General


Mr. Max Kirwan

AA President



Mr. Chris Howarth

AA Secretary General


Mr. Kuno Ritschard

EAME President


Mr. Sid Adriaensen

EAME Secretary General


Mr. Vern Oberg

PANAM President


Mr. Jorge Renosto

PANAM Secretary General


Mr. Ron Fergusson

AA Chairman Tournament


Mr. Stefan Rauchenwald

EAME Chairman Tournament


Mrs. Jeffry Armstrong

PANAM Chaiperson Tournament


Members without vote


Mr. Graeme Dwyer

Barefoot Council Chairman


Mr. Glen Coles

Racing Council Chairman


Mr. Jim Grew

Disabled Council Chairman


Mr. Robert Corson

Tournament Counil Chairman


Mr. Jean-Cl. Durousseaud

Wakeboard Council Chairman


Left at 11.30


Mr. Scott Ellis

Athletes Representative


Mrs. Depy Papadimitriou

Officer of International Relations


Mr. Aubrey Sheena





Mr. Hans Otte

CableWakeboard Commission Chair


Left at 11.30

Mr. Juergen Pitz

Cable Commission Chairman



Mr. Phil Chase

University Waterski Commission Chair



Secretary of the meeting: Anouk Collier from the Headquarters in Bologna.

2-3. Opening and Apologies

Andres Botero opens the IWSF 2000 Executive Board Meeting and welcomes all members to Agrinio.

Andres Botero informs the Board that Max Kirwan could not attend the meeting due to serious health problems with his son and, in name of the entire Board, wishes Max’s son the speediest of recoveries.

Helena Kjellander has resigned as Chairperson of the Athletes Committee and Andres Botero thanks her for her commitment in name of the Board.

The new members Scot Ellis, Juergen Pitz (Apologised), Phil Chase, Hans Otte, Jean-Claude Durousseaud are welcomed to their first Executive Board Meeting.

4. Adoption of the agenda See attached file "FINAL AGENDA EB2000.rtf"

The items in these minutes follow the numbering of the Final Agenda, but will be listed in the order of discussion.

5. Previous Minutes

The minutes from the 1999 Executive Board meeting in Milan have been circulated to all Executive Board Members and to all Member Federations. The final text of the minutes is approved by the Executive Board.

Kuno Ritschard moves – Ron Fergusson second – approved

6. Matters of Previous Minutes

An issue concerning medals at the Senior World Tournament was raised during the year. This will be handled at the Tournament Report.

7. Bureau Decisions

Andres Botero illustrates the various Bureau decisions taken during the year, asking the Executive Board for their approval


Select second full time assistant to Bologna Offices for Worldsport


Set up Collegiate Commission


Let Statutes review be done by Townleys + info on incorporation


Issue request for inclusion to IPC


Start working to request inclusion in FISU


2001 World Cup Sponsor + IMG contract


Tigé boats nominated as winner of the WWC 2000 Boat Tender


Approve South American Pro-Tour


Do not accept a second sponsor, J2C, as World Cup sponsor


Dress Code for Officials at WTE


Akita World Games negotiations (not concluded)


Interrupt negotiations for World Juniors 2000 with Canada and move to Greece

Kuno Ritschard moves Jeffry Armstrong seconds – approved unanimously

The following Bureau decisions are reserved for later approval, after the separate items are discussed at the Executive Board.


Exception for eligibility for Wakeboard 2000


Suspend the Chiropractors negotiations


Agreement on doping issue concerning Mike Champion


Appointment of Jean-Claude Durousseaud as Chairman and helping to fill out the vacancies a new Wakeboard Council


In relation to the South-America Pro-Tour it is confirmed that the World Cup stops do not need to be ratified by the Bureau.

Reports for Executive Board and Congress

The principle is adopted that Reports for Executive Board and Congress must be submitted to the Headquarters 10 days before the meeting to be circulated, otherwise they will be considered non-existent and therefore not handled at the meeting. All members of the Regional EB, Council, Commission or Committee in question will be informed of that no report was submitted by their chairman.

Jeffry Armstrong moves Graziano Tognala second – approved

8. Accounts See attached file "REP00 Accounts99-00.rtf"

Andres Botero gives the word to Aubrey Sheena, Treasurer.

The accounts until 31st March of 1999 and 2000, circulated to the Members, are with the auditors, but not yet approved.

The accounts to 1999 are different from the drafts shown last year due to the changes made during the year. Delayed approval due to fast changing circumstances. Shows a loss of 206.000 Swiss Francs. Balance sheet deficit of 30.000 Swiss Francs.

The accounts until March 31st 2000 for now shows a surplus 159.000 Swiss Francs and a 128.000 Swiss Francs surplus on balance sheet.

World Championships and Sanction fees are now dealt with in a much more professional and businesslike matter. Commitments are made, money is chased, guarantees of some kind are asked for and obtained. Hopefully IWSF will never need to enforce them. Aubrey Sheena thanks Graziano Tognala for achieving this, IWSF still need to toughen up in a professional world.

The following accounting principles are decided by the Executive Board:

  1. Income (Sanction Fees, Boat rights) is put in the accounts the year it is actually received and not in the year it relates to.
  2. Kuno Ritschard moves Jeffry Armstrong second – approved

  3. Actually IWSF has 152.000 US$ loans to repay in 2005. These are a liability of IWSF if the 2004 account is not sufficient: therefore Aubrey Sheena recommends to build up a loan repayment fund to prepare.
  4. Graziano Tognala moves Kuno Ritschard second - Approved in principle

  5. World Cup: the World Cup money risks not arriving this year – in fact it has not yet been paid. Is the legal liability towards IMG and the athletes IWSFs, and then it should be mentioned as a contingent liability(179.000 US$), or is IWSF only an agent?
  6. Andres Botero assures the board that the agreement with Café de Colombia will be honored.

    The Executive Board members agree that, as the IWSF is the organizer and responsible body, it is liable. It is stated that for any future contracts the IWSF must very careful in stating terms to protect itself as well as possible against such liabilities. The World Cup liability will appear in the accounts for 2001.

  7. Anyone who attends this Executive Board meeting has his travel reimbursed at 70%.
  8. Graziano Tognala moves Kuno Ritschard second –Approved

  9. Aubrey Sheena suggests that, if IWSF wants cable to develop, even if it is not a council it should have a budget. – Decision is deferred until a formal request to make Cable a Council is voted upon.
  10. Accounts 1999: definitively approved and adopted

Accounts 2000: provisionally approved and adopted

Move Jeffry Armstrong- second Sid Adriaensen -approved

At the end of the Treasurer's report there is an Executive Board responsibility treatise. Andres Botero asks Aubrey Sheena to give the Executive Board some guidelines on how to protect ourselves.

Two years ago Terms of reference and duties of the Treasurer were proposed but deferred by the Executive Board.

Fraud protection:

1. For expenditure over 2000 Swiss Francs two signatures are needed and one has always been the Treasurer's.

2. Assets: are mostly intellectual and we need legal advice on how to protect these

Most important guideline: keep the treasurer informed on any major expenditure that can be expected or that IWSF commits to.

10. Presidents report See attached file " REP00 President'sReport.rtf"

No comments. The President thanks the Board for the co-operation during the last year.

11. Olympic Update

It was no easy year because all main players changed. Andres Botero thanks Mrs. Depy Papadimitriou in name of the entire Board. Applause.

Today IWSF is still up there and is still on the table to be discussed. The new minister of Sports, new Chairman of the Athens Organizing Committee(ATHOC), the new advisors are being kept informed so that they know about us and inform us.

Andres Botero will go to Sydney and will meet Mrs. Gianna Angelopoulos, new Chairman of the ATHOC, and her advisors.

Just some months ago Mr. Samaranch was quite angry with Greece for the delays. He gave Greece 100 days and in that time they changed everything. When a follow-up commission was instated they were very happy, and this helps IWSF’s position. Even if the Greeks are still behind schedule, the IOC does not have the excuse anymore that the ATHOC cannot deal with an additional sport.

Another problem concerned environmental issues at the Rowing and Canoeing site, Marathon, so IWSF found a new lake at only 25 km from Athens: Yliki. It has nothing now but can easily be set up temporarily.

The decision that had to be taken in Sydney has be delayed to December, when the IOC should have its mind free. Waterski has been discussed, nothing has come of it yet. IWSF should expect a final decision hopefully by the end of the year.

Graziano Tognala explains the importance of the Junior World Championships in Greece in light of the Olympic Campaign.

Vern Oberg asks if the IWSF is working also on the candidate cities for 2008. Toronto for example is candidate and has key persons on the Boards, like Clint Ward. The Executive Board agrees that the key persons for 2008 should be informed and all 2008 candidate cities be contacted to make sure that Waterski is the first on the list.

Scot Ellis wants to know which disciplines are presented. Andres Botero explains that the formal application was only for 3-event and has not changed until now for political reasons. Graziano Tognala says that if Waterski goes to its own site and has more than one day and a half at disposal, he sincerely hopes to include Wakeboard.

12 World Games

At the last World Games edition in Lahkti (Finland) there was for the first time support from the IOC, with Samaranch attending the Opening Ceremony. The World Games are now seen as an alternative to the Olympics, and have one hundred percent support. The Akita World Games are a most important showcase for all sports, and especially for IWSF if Waterskiing is not yet Olympic by then. IWSF is slowly getting in more disciplines, now also barefoot and Wakeboard. If Waterskiing is Olympic it will be even easier to add other disciplines as some will disappear from the World Games.

Graziano Tognala has travelled several times to Akita and reports on the World Games in Akita. In fact, the World Games are a showcase for Osaka to obtain the 2008 Olympics. The World Games need our maximum attention, Waterskiing has an excellent site and excellent organisation, now it must be used. IWSF must show it is professional and send its top skiers. The Bureau informs the Executive Board that the decision was made to spend 10.000 US$ for technical staff at the Akita World Games from the Promotion & Development fund, if no other solution with the Japan Water Ski Association and Akita Organizing Committee can be found.

Move Graziano Tognala, second Andres Botero - Approved.

Kuno Ritschard asks if there is any financial support from the IOC, as for the Olympics. Graziano Tognala replies there is not, but there is a formal letter from the IOC asking the NOC’s to support their national federations. And this support is being given. However, the NOC make their budgets far in advance so IWSF must select its athletes in time for financial support to be applied for. The selection procedures have already been decided and the invitations will be sent out in January 2001. All board and accommodation in Akita for athletes and judges is paid for by the Organizers.

Graeme Dwyer, who has been at the site, makes some more comments and assures that the best 20 barefooters will be sent. Unfortunately Barefoot has got no attention nor financial support from the organizers.

13. World Cup 2001

Andres Botero has attended the finals of the World Cup in the UK. The contracts with Café de Colombia and IMG have now finished, so IWSF is not bound to any of them anymore. He is in contact with Pro-Active, a small marketing company specialized in Water sports, to see if IWSF can reach an agreement for the next year.

Bob Corson explains that the World Cup for next year has been proposed as self-funding without a major sponsorship. It is basically funded by the Tournaments itself who contribute to the final purse. He has three commitments now, and is working on more. If the World Cup gets a major sponsor it will just mean that the World Cup is raised to a much higher level than before. Bob Corson would like to set up the World Cup to a much more professional sports league NBC-like model: recognized entities with interests: stops, athletes and IWSF as broker between them.

IWSF is also setting up a prize guarantee in order to guarantee payment to the athletes. The stops would pay, let’s say 30 days before into an IWSF prize account, and then the IWSF will distribute the prize money to the skiers. This should also solve some practical problems. If the money does not arrive, IWSF will formally notify the organizer. If at let’s say 20 days before, the money is not there, IWSF will notify all skiers that the tournament is not World Cup sanctioned anymore.

Next years’ scheduling will be quite difficult, but as soon as all details are known a draft will be made and circulated.

Andres Botero is speaking with General Motors and some other small companies for sponsorship for next year.

Vern Oberg suggests that, as according to Aubrey Sheena the IWSF and Executive Board is possibly liable for sponsorship problems, IWSF should set up a separate limited liability company to run the World Cup to reduce some of the liability on the Executive Board.

Andres Botero asks Bob Corson if the IWSF needs a team World Cup, or a professional council/ranking? Bob Corson answers that the team format has been studied but at this moment there is not enough interest. He will try to add tricks in 2001, if interested organizers are found.

Concerning the professional committee, the Tournament Council works through the Athletes Advisory Committee. An important item would be to work out a real contract between athlete and organizer, this would bring the World Cup to a true professional level.

Andres Botero, in name of the Executive Board, thanks Bob Corson for his commitment to the World Cup. Applause.

14. New Statutes, By-laws and Incorporation for IWSF

Townleys has been approached concerning the opportunity of incorporating IWSF and the eventual choice of jurisdiction. From their report it is clear that the advantages of incorporating far outweigh the disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that procedures become more formal.

In simple terms, for the setting up of the incorporation, but excluding the review of statutes and by-laws, the fee is 3500 Pounds, about 8500 Swiss Francs.

At this point the only question is, where do we go? Townleys seems to prefer Ireland for us. Aubrey Sheena’s personal feelings are for Jersey or Guernsey that are internationally more acceptable.

Aubrey Sheena asks the Executive Board to approve the expenditure and to go ahead with getting the IWSF incorporated, and review the by-laws and statutes in conjunction. Underneath this main holding company IWSF might want to form several smaller companies for special actions. So that for example the Tournament World Cup does not put at risk the entire IWSF. The cost for those subsidiary companies must not be as high as for the main company.

Andres Botero strongly recommends the board to accept this proposal. To have everything in place in time for the Congress, the proces must start now. The Congress then has to give its final decision.

There is a move to spend 17.000 Swiss Francs with Townleys for legal advice and the preparation of the complete set-up of IWSF as a limited incorporation, to be ready before the next Congress, including review of the by-laws and statutes in relation to this, and in accordance with any IOC regulations. The IWSF will not be transformed in a limited corporation before the Congress has approved the complete package of Limited Corporation and Statutes, but all structures will be set up ready to start working immediately upon approval.

The Bureau is allowed to decide where to incorporate IWSF.

Jeffry Armstrong moves Vern Oberg second – approved with one abstention (Kuno Ritschard)

15. Report of the Regional Presidents

The reports were circulated before the meeting and are attached to these minutes.

Report AA (See attached file "REP00 AARegion.rtf"): no comments

Report EAME(See attached file "REP00 EAMERegion.rtf"): no comments Kuno Ritschard adds the latest news. An excellent EAME Senior Championships in Denmark, the EAME Wakeboard Championships in Sweden, the EAME Cable Championships with a pending trick record, last weekend the World Cable Championships in Piestany, with two pending records. Last weekend also the EAME Disabled Championships took place at the Idroscalo in Milan(Italy). The EAME Open Championships in Moscow(Russia) were great.

Report PANAM(See attached file "REP00 PanAmRegion.rtf"): no comments

16. Reports of the Divisional Councils

The reports were circulated before the meeting.

Cable(See attached file "REP00 CableComission.rtf"): later

Disabled(See attached file "REP00 DisabledCouncil.rtf"): no comments

Racing(See attached file "REP00 Racing Council.rtf"): Sid Adriaensen has a question to ask. EAME Racing feels that there is always a block vote from the two other regions against them. Glen Coles replies that it is quite incorrect in that the Council is run democratically like other Councils, and voting has not always been AA-PANAM against EAME. It is not a true statement.

Aubrey Sheena asks the Racing Council to get numbers at their next meetings because it seems that there is no growth for Racing except in Australia. Glen Coles explains that the problem partially lies in EAME itself, as the sport has there been developed only at a very elite level, making it difficult for others to get in. It is not such an elite sport in Australia.

Kuno Ritschard asks the Council once more to consider the change of ages for the Junior division. Glen Coles confirms it is on the agenda.

Tournament(See attached file "REP00 TournamentCouncil.rtf"): Kuno Ritschard brings up some technical matters for consideration at the World Tournament Council meeting. Bob Corson confirms the items will be on the agenda.

The proposal for the awarding of Medals at the Tournament Council is now discussed.

The IWSF Tournament Council, per the Executive Board decision to allow councils to determine medal awarding policy, decided for the world senior trophy and the other world level tournaments to award medals in each division regardless of the number of contestants. The reason for this is that the tournament is open to all skiers in the world and if the division does not fill up, still the opportunity was made available and the skiers represent the best in the world of that division and should be recognized as such. I am requesting that the Executive Board ratify this policy per its directive. – Bob Corson, World Tournament Council Chairman

Jeffry Armstrong moves Vern Oberg second – Approved

Vern Oberg asks that the issue of the Entry Fees is addressed more extensively in the rulebooks. Bob Corson explains that, according to him, a skier is not subject to the rules until he is entered in the tournament. That entry can be subject to conditions, which are handled by the organizers. If the entry fee is not paid a skier cannot enter, hence cannot participate. Therefore it is not necessary to add this to the rules. Vern Oberg suggests that some provisions should be written down for problems with late shows. Graeme Dwyer explains that this is already functioning in Barefoot and suggests other divisions address the item.

Wakeboard(See attached file "REP00 WakeboardCouncil.rtf"): later

17. Report of Commissions and Committees

Athletes(See attached file "REP00 AthletesCommission.rtf"): later. Jim Grew asks when there will be a vote to find a new chair and a new representative after Helena’s resignation. Scot Ellis replies that elections for the representative and chairman are already ongoing.

Cable(See attached file "REP00 CableComission.rtf"): later

World Cup(See attached file "REP00 WorldCupCommission.rtf"): Graziano Tognala thanks Bob for his excellent report. No comments.

Cable Wakeboard(See attached file "REP00 CablewakeSubcommission.rtf"): no comments

Collegiate Waterski(See attached file "REP00 CollegiateCommission.rtf"): Kuno Ritschard proposes to change the name "Collegiate" in "University" because it cannot be understood in Europe. Move to rename "Collegiate Waterski" to "University Waterski"

Move Kuno Ritschard second Sid Adriaensen - Approved

Environment(See attached file "REP00 EnvironmentCommittee.rtf"): Kuno Ritschard asks to find out the Conference information the earliest possible to permit better organization for attendance.

Media(See attached file "REP00 MediaCommittee.rtf"): tomorrow. Desmond Burke-Kennedy will need decisions and guidance. Jean-Claude Durousseaud speaks as he will not be present tomorrow. He emphasizes the importance of promoting ourselves. Internet is very important for this. Not only websites, but also electronic newsletters, IWSF should have one in the future.

Medical(See attached file "REP00 MedicalCommittee.rtf"): after lunch


Andres Botero hands out two articles from Waterski Magazines, attached to these Minutes. (See attached files " ThefutureofWakeboard.rtf " and " Who's first.rtf")

18. Continental Games

Waterskiing has entered many of the Games of the Olympic Cycle (Continental Games). This is very important for IWSF’s Olympic Exposure.

Pan-American Games: Andres Botero informs that the IWSF has participated twice now, in 1995, in Argentina and in 1999 in Winnipeg, Canada. The picture for the Dominican Republic in 2003 does not look very bright, but he hopes that after Sydney the non-Olympic sports will be able to get in and stay in. Texas and Rio de Janeiro are bidding for 2007, and Texas already has Waterskiing officially on the program. He is talking with Rio too. IWSF is in the PASO, now it must try to get and stay in the Games.

South American Games: Waterskiing is an official sport in Cordoba, Argentina in 2002, for the first time, with 3-event, men and women.

Mediterranean Games: Waterskiing was a demonstration sport a few years ago. A commission chaired by Juan Martinez from Spain has been set up, including Depy Papadimitriou, to get full recognition as a medal sport. There will be a meeting in Spain after the Olympics, and Waterskiing has full support of the Spanish Olympic Committee. IWSF must only finally convince the host city, Almeria. There is good hope for Waterskiing to be part of these Games in 2005. Andres Botero circulates the brochure of the Mediterranean Games and invites the committee to go to the Mediterranean Committee meetings and lobby for Waterski.

Asian Games: Max Kirwan has worked very hard on trying to convince the people in Pusan, Korea to officially include Waterskiing. There is a meeting at the end of November, Andres Botero hopes that Max Kirwan will be able to attend to see what can be obtained for Waterskiing. There are also contacts with the Chinese, Dr. Un Yong Kim(Korea) and many other Asian officials.

Vern Oberg gives the Board some statistics concerning Waterski at the Pan-American Games in Canada. The number of visitors was limited to 1672 people, but the Waterskiing event was sold out much before the Games. Winnipeg liked Waterskiing a lot. Also, the Games left a legacy of 86.300 US$, plus a lake and a site. The Panam Games are very important, for the finances and the support that the Federations receive through it. For example USAWS receives about 1,000,000 US$ every four years for the sport, if Waterskiing is out of the Games, that money dries up. IWSF must stay in, but no time schedule on a decision can be given.

19. World University Championships

(See also attached file "REP00 CollegiateCommission.rtf")

The situation for University waterskiing has improved a lot over the past years. The US is leader in promoting university competitions. Many competitions have also come up in Japan, Korea and Europe during these years, and there is a strong interest in organizing this division. This is why the Bureau decided to set up a World University Committee. It is actually chaired by Phil Chase from the USA, and it includes other members from Ireland and Japan. The idea is to open the Committee up to members from other parts of the World so that it becomes a true World Committee.

Andres Botero and the Committee made contacts with FISU, through their Secretary General Roy Campana. Andres Botero will meet E. Killian, President of FISU, in Sydney to talk about affiliating to the Federation Internationale de Sport Universitaire, and afterwards will have a clearer picture of the situation regarding integration with them.

Phil Chase explains that there are many loose ends to tie down. The first Committee meeting will meet next month at the Collegiate Nationals at Lafayette, Louisiana, US. At that time he will know more about FISU. That is now the only thing that holds the committee back from the drafting of a World University Tournament bid. The eligibility has to be worked out, because each nation has a different definition of a University student. The goals of the Committee are double: On one side organize a World University Championship (hopefully in 2002), on the other to develop Federations/organizations around the world because University sport is an enormous grassroots booster in bringing new people to the sport. In 6 years University Waterski grew from 16 to 100 teams and only 6 get financed by their Universities. University Waterski can be done on a personal basis without much problem.

IWSF’s application to FISU is just for memberships and to be able to organize a sanctioned World University Championship. Another thing will be to get in the University Games. Andres Botero explains that FISU until not so long ago accepted only Olympic Sports. Now that has changed. In fact, Waterskiing was once in the World University Games, in Bulgaria, but that was a totally different context from today.

Jim Grew asks if there will be any problem to become members. Andres Botero doesn’t think so. Kuno Ritschard says it will be difficult to get a World Championship sanctioned because their Letter of Agreement & Obligations is very demanding. Andres Botero will keep the Board posted.

Ron Fergusson complains that the AA Region does not know anything about all this. Andres Botero says the Committee has only taken it first steps. It will now develop and certainly start working through the Regions.

20. Under 21 World Championships, Tournament & Racing

Graziano Tognala reads the Minutes of the Executive Board in Milan 1999 concerning Under 21.

As decided in Milan, a survey was carried out with the Federations to see if they were interested to send athletes or organise the event. The Executive Board received the results and decided to discuss the matter in Agrinio.

In short, 22 out of 44 Federations answered the survey positively. 17 Federations are ready to participate, 3 would bid. Chile can now be added as Andres Botero received a written request to combine it with the Juniors in 2003.

Vern Oberg confirms that there is a quite active and big under 21 division in South American now that certainly would be interested. Some further discussion follows.

The decisions is taken to open bids for a World Under 21 Championship Tournament starting from 2002, combined with Juniors or as separate event. Sanction Fees: 5000 Swiss Francs +Medals if combined, 16.000 Swiss Francs+Medals if separate.

Andres Botero moves Kuno Ritschard second– approved unanimously.

The decision is taken that, if the World Racing Council so decides, bids can be opened for an Under 21 Racing World Event. The Board recommends it to be a Trophy. Sanction Fees are determined as follows:

Racing Under 21 Trophy 2000 Swiss Francs+Medals, World Under 21 Championship Racing 5000 Swiss Francs+Medals if combined, 16.000 Swiss Francs+Medals, if separate.

Kuno Ritschard moves Jeffry Armstrong second– approved unanimously.

23. International Paralympic Committee

Andres Botero informs the Board that in the last few months he has met Robert D. Steadwardt from Canada, President of the IPC, now nominated to be a new IOC member, and David Grevemberg, Secretary General. With them the IPC has really changed face and IWSF has now good possibilities to get in. The Disabled Council with the help of the Headquarters have sent them all the details on Disabled Waterskiing around the world. Andres Botero will meet them both in Sydney to sit down and see what must be done further.

Jim Grew thanks the Headquarters, and Graziano Tognala passes the thanks on to his two assistants.

Visit of the Chairman of the Medical Committee, Dr. Ross Outerbridge, with illustration of his report and discussion of the Mike Champion-case.

(See attached file "REP00 MedicalCommittee.rtf")

Ross Outerbridge briefly highlights his report. The Mike Champion case was handled by lawyers, in close contact with Ross Outerbridge and the Bureau. Also the entire Medical Committee was informed and made collegial decisions. The case brought up some issues concerning our anti-doping policy that are now being addressed.

Ross Outerbridge needs some clear answers on what he asks for in his report.

Comments from the Board on the Mike Champion Case:

Jurisdiction needs to be clear always.

Aubrey Sheena asks, according to the IWSF Anti-Doping Policy, who has to determine the penalties? Ross Outerbridge explains that the first step is for the Medical Committee to study the scientific side of the tests, i.e. any possible interference with pharmacology or so, to determine if it constituted a positive test or not. The application of the sanction is then done by a so-called "sanction board", one member of the Medical Committee, and two of the Executive Board. This board is nominated every time there is a necessity by the President of the IWSF. This Board then gave the issue in hand to a lawyer. The final agreement was approved by the Sanction Board. This is all carefully recorded.

Andres Botero recommends the Executive Board to approve out-of-competition testing, to imply the Anti-Doping Policy. The WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) is taking over this entire issue from the IOC, and just a few weeks ago the IOC asked for an independent counsel to certify that IWSF is in line with the Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Policy, including out-of-competition testing. Ross Outerbridge explains that, in order to assure equal treatment to all the IWSF athletes disregarding nationality, the IWSF must have its own out-of-competition test program. The important thing is that IWSF gets control of its entire anti-doping system and is consistent in the testing. IWSF must respect the principles and follow the list of forbidden substances given in the Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Policy.

Bob Corson wants to know if the Medical Committee insists on testing at every World Cup and for every World Record, and Ross Outerbridge explains that solutions are being looked for.

The testing can be financed partially through WADA (World Anti-Doping Policy), for out of competition testing, and in many countries the national associates of WADA will carry out free testing at events. For the other countries Ross Outerbridge can give a precise estimate from case to case.. Typically there will be 4-5 tests needed per event, at 500-600 US$ all inclusive for each test. That should not scare bidders away.

Move the acceptance of all 6 recommendations from the Medical Committee as in their report.


  1. The Medical Commission requires a yearly budget of $3000.00 to $5000.00 to adequately conduct "out-of-competition" tests, rapidly communicate results, revise policy using outside legal and biochemical expertise, help organising committees set up testing and appropriately work on educating the athletes regarding this program. This amount may need to be increased in the event of a positive test result and/or appeal.
  2. The ADP requires revision to address a number of concerns including the rights of the disabled athlete, clarifying the issue of suspension during "results management", and appropriate time lines for reporting and appeals. Incorporation of the principles contained in the new Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code (OMADC) and WADA Charter is also required. Revisions to this policy will require legal expertise and therefore have a cost attached. Cost estimate is to be presented for approval. Final draft to be presented November 2000.
  3. Change of the Hosting Guidelines (Letter of Agreement?) for IWSF events that require doping controls to be carried out at the hosts expense at all IWSF events.
  4. Change of the IWSF Bylaws to require all member federations to comply with the IWSF ADP in any sanctioned event, support and enforce suspensions for Doping Infractions or during "results management"and allow for "out-of competition" testing of their athletes.
  5. Contract with an independent agency that will carry out all IWSF testing at events and "out-of-competition" in a consistent manner and guarantee rapid reporting of results.
  6. Implementation of an efficient reporting system of where events are taking place, where tests are being conducted and rapid distribution of test results.

Kuno Ritschard moves Jeffry Armstrong second –Approved unanimously with the exception that no financial expenditure is authorized in the budget before March 31st 2001.

29. Chiropractics Update

The Bureau informs the Executive Board that, following the authorization given in the ’98 Executive Board Meeting in Lausanne, it carried on negotiations with the Association of Chiropractors to the point that it can now present a draft contract to the Executive Board.

Ross Outerbridge objects that no (para)medical service should use the IWSF to market itself, and that as a matter of principle IWSF should not give them an official stamp of approval. Like any other (para)medical service the chiropractors are warmly welcomed at all the IWSF events and IWSF would be happy to give them complete calendars of events.

Some discussion follows.

It is agreed that a letter will be written to thank the Chiropractors, saying that IWSF is not interested in signing an agreement at this time.

Jeffry Armstrong moves Vern Oberg second - Approved

34. Budget (See attached file "REP00 IWSF BUDGET2001-2002.rtf")

See attached draft budget. The current situation as results from the accounts is not very good, so the Executive Board agrees to two strategies in order to improve IWSF’s financial situation:

  1. Limit the expenses for the current year as shown in the attached budget. Wait to draft budget for the year 2001-2002 until December 2000.
  2. Graziano Tognala moves Jeffry Armstrong second - Approved unanimously

  3. Give Graziano Tognala the responsibility to explore all marketing possibilities for IWSF to exploit the assets and resources of IWSF as well as possible, in order to produce the means to promote the sport. Graziano Tognala will make a plan, including an estimate of the initial investment needed and will then return to the Executive Board for approval.

Vern Oberg moves Jeffry Armstrong second - Approved unanimously

24. List of Obligations

Aubrey Sheena and Graziano Tognala present the working document they produced until now. The work has not yet been finished. The Executive Board Members give their comments and some aspects of the new Letter of Obligations (L&O) are discussed. Then a move is made for Aubrey Sheena and Graziano Tognala to finish their work, taking into account all Executive Board suggestions, and come back with a final draft to be approved.

Vern Oberg moves – Jeffry Armstrong second- Approved.

Sanction Fees for 2000:

Due to the fact that the World Cup for 2001 will be self-funding Bob Corson asks the Executive Board to accept 15.000 Swiss Francs as Sanction Fee for the entire Series for 2001.

Vern Oberg moves – Jeffry Armstrong second Approved unanimously.

Aubrey Sheena proposes to remove the 25,000 Swiss Francs travel contribution from the Sanction fee schedule for Racing, if the Council so agrees during its meeting in September ’00.

Jeffry Armstrong moves Vern Oberg second – approved

It is agreed, on proposal of Graziano Tognala, that standard entry forms for each discipline/category will be made to attach as a sample to the Letter of Agreement and Obligations.

Graziano Tognala moves – Andres Botero second - approved

The Board thanks Bob Corson for his excellent organization of the intentions to enter on-line.


(See attached files "REP00 Worldsport.rtf" and" REP00 IWSFWebReport.doc")

Graziano Tognala updates the Board on the current situation at and reads out his report concerning Worldsport (attached).

26. IWSF Towboat approval for all disciplines

Andres Botero proposes that the IWSF approves towboats at world level. That would not require separate physical testing, but detailed requirements that can be demonstrated through national and regional testing programs, with additional usage requirements. IWSF then asks the boat companies a fee to use the IWSF approval stamp, which is also publicity for IWSF.

Graziano Tognala proposes that the approval is restricted to Tournament and Wakeboard. Disabled uses tournament boats and for Barefoot the market is too small with only one or two appropriate boats in the world.

Graziano Tognala informs the board that according to past Executive Board decisions, a tender for the official towboat for the World Junior Tournament 2002 and the World Open Tournament 2003 will be organized in January 2001.

The board approves to set up a IWSF towboat approval program by determining the exact requirements, and the best way to distribute an IWSF approval stamp allowing the approved boats to use this approval stamp for their marketing, for tournament and wakeboard.

Move Andres Botero second Graziano Tognala -Approved.

27. WSM Professional Federation

Andres Botero talks to the Board about the "Pro-towed Water Ski Association". There would be no problem if this was a real professional organization , but it is all directed by Media Pub. Once more Andres Botero asks if IWSF should have a professional ranking, have a professional committee? Rejected.

Bob Corson explains what the World Tournament Council is doing regarding this issue. Scot Ellis says that it is all about being able to make faster changes, to put on a better show and make more money.

28. Environmental Handbook

Aubrey Sheena proposes not to print the Handbook at this point. It should be circulated on the internet and through email or xerox copies as widely as possible, so that it works as a catalyst for other information and feedback to come in. In this way the Committee will be able to produce a better document in about two years’ time.

Kuno Ritschard recommends to send a copy to all boat companies and outboard motor companies.

Vern Oberg will first finish the formatting before the Environmental Handbook is circulated.

Kuno Ritschard move Vern Oberg second-Approved.

30. IWSF Offices Bologna/Medellìn

(See attached file "REP00 Secretariat General IWSF2000.rtf REP00 Worldsport.rtf")

Andres Botero thanks the local sports council in Medellin and the Italian Olympic Committee for the courtesy of providing IWFS with offices at no cost in Medellin and Bologna.

IWSF now has a steady and efficient headquarters in the center of Europe. Aubrey Sheena who has visited the office in Bologna says it is a professional good working office, which is what the IWSF needs if it wants to be a professional organization.

31. IWSF Coaches Clinic

On proposal of Andres Botero it is agreed to collect, under co-ordination of the Headquarters, as much coaching and scientific information as possible around the world which will be made available through our website, to provide support to the Federations and stimulate the idea of exchange.

Andres Botero moves – Ron Fergusson second - Approved

The meeting is adjourned until the following day .

16-17. Reports left out yesterday

Barefoot(See attached files "REP00 BarefootCouncil.rtf"): Kuno Ritschard comments on the fact that the Barefoot Council has endorsed the policy to promote Barefoot in South America and East Europe, with a proposal that a part of the Sanction Fee goes to the Council. He believes that promotion should be done through the Regions. If the EAME Barefoot Council would ask EAME, EAME would give them funds, he sees no need to do this from World level. Vern Oberg objects that PANAM would not give funds, as they have no availability.

Graeme Dwyer explains that it is rather a spur to the Regions to continue promotion even if they already have a large number of Federations. He gives a description of the current strategies for the promotion of Barefoot world-wide.

22. Wakeboard Update & Report

(See attached file "REP00 WakeboardCouncil.rtf")

Jean-Claude Durousseaud briefly summarizes the current Wakeboard situation for the Board. He then illustrates in detail the future plans of the Council, as described in the attached Wakebaord Council Report. Jim Grew, in name of Steve Mc Dermeit, Executive Director of USAWS, strongly recommends to have a team of fully IWSF supportive people on the Wakeboard Council. Move to support to the new Wakeboard Council to set goals in accordance with the programme set out in the attached WWC report and to strive for them in a council including only IWSF supportive members.

Jeffry Armstrong moves Stefan Rauchenwald second – Approved with one against

Andres Botero explains the background of the Bureau decision to allow all athletes to compete in IWSF events in contrast with the standing IWSF by-law concerning eligibility. The Board understands the background of the decision and approves that decision but firmly condemns the fact that the IWSF By-laws were overridden, especially by the highest office of IWSF, the IWSF Bureau. The Board also expresses its desire to be more promptly informed about the Bureau decision. This is a precedent that must not happen again, and the Bureau will take this into account for the future.

The decision was reached that the IWSF by-laws must not be modified and that the technical rule books should not contain statements that conflict with these IWSF by-laws. The IWSF EB approved that, exclusively for wakeboard in the coming years, no sanctions will be placed on athletes or officials who compete in non-IWSF sanctioned events, in accordance with the Bureau decision taken during the year 2000.

Jeffry Armstrong moves Stefan Rauchenwald second - Approved

Main directives that come out of the discussion that follows are:

Vern Oberg explains that in Canada and South America the interests of Industry, WWA and Waterskiing are much too entangled with each other to completely break away from them. It would be suicide. For example Flavio Castello Branco is not only a WWA International Board member, but also a IWSF COLAEN member and strong promotor of Waterskiing in South America, with the full support of most South/Latin American countries. According to Vern Oberg, supporting Flavio IWSF can show it really supports Wakeboard. The point is that, continues Vern Oberg, industry drives the WWA and therefore promotes and goes where commercial interests are. IWFS does not. Jean-Claude replies that the IWSF goes world-wide. That is the strength that IWSF must use.

Other decisions taken:

The Board does not support the WWC proposal to go to the USA to meet the industry, nor allows the related expenditure. The time is not right. The Bureau is allowed to keep top level contacts with the industry and take decisions and report to the WWC.

Jeffry Armstrong moves – Stefan Rauchenwald seconds – Approved

Jeffry Armstrong moves – Stefan Rauchenwald seconds – Approved

Jeffry Armstrong moves – Stefan Rauchenwald seconds – Approved

Jeffry Armstrong moves – Stefan Rauchenwald seconds – Approved

16-17. Reports left out yesterday

Cable(See attached file "REP00 CableComission.rtf"): Kuno Ritschard asks the Board to grant the Cable Commission Council status. Cable now has now activity world-wide, although not formally organized through IWSF member Federations. To further promote Cable around the world and contrast the new Cable owner association, Cable must get Council status and a council budget. Cable Commission is awarded Council status. As Council the Cable division must conform itself to the IWSF Statutes and By-laws, especially articles 32 of the Statutes.

Kuno Ritschard moves Sid Adriaensen second – Approved with 1 abstention

Athletes Commission(See attached files "REP00 AthletesCommission.rtf" and "REP00 AthletesResignation.rtf"): Helena Kjellander resigned from the Athletes Commission. Stefan Rauchenwald thanks her for her dedication during the time she sat on the Board and informs that Helena has given her availability to continue working for the Olympic project. Applause.

Media Commission(See attached file "REP00 MediaCommittee.rtf"): Move for Desmond Burke-Kennedy to set up and temporarily chair (until election) a complete World Media Committee with at least 1 representative from each Region, in order to improve our Media performance.

Move Kuno Ritschard – second Vern Oberg Approved

All decisions and guidance on points C – D of the media report are left to the Bureau

C. Executive Board GUIDANCE AND DIRECTION. It would be very helpful if the Executive Board would consider and agree the key areas which require Media coverage for the coming year to help set the priorities for each year. This would help to give all a clearer view of the targets and requirements.

D. OLYMPIC OUTCOME. We have two possible Media challenges facing us at this point in time – a positive IOC decision – and a negative IOC decision. We need to have total agreement on our response to either outcome. Success will bring enormous benefits – and failure is not the end of the World ! Either way, we should prepare our public response and ensure that all Regions and disciplines respond in a uniform and professional manner. I suggest that we prepare a statement as soon as possible for both alternatives and communicate this to all Executive Board members for their guidance in advance.

Move Jeffry Armstrong – second Graziano Tognala Approved

The idea and importance of a newsletter are fully supported.

7. Approval of deferred Bureau Decisions


Exception for eligibility for Wakeboard 2000 and setting up of a new council with interim chairman


Suspend the Chiropractors negotiations


Agreement on doping issue concerning Mike Champion


Approved in accordance with the discussion and decisions taken at the related points of these Minutes.

Jeffry Armstrong moves Stefan Rauchenwald second - approved

32. Report of future World Events

The World Championships 2001will take place in September in Spain.

The African Championships are postponed to November in Zimbabwe. This will be the sixth edition and will include Wakeboard.

The full list of all open World Title Events will be circulated to the Federations to ask for bids.

Graeme Dwyer unofficially anticipates an interest from New Zealand and Australia together to bid for the World Barefoot Junior and Senior Championships in 2001. This should not however withhold any other Federation from bidding for this event.

33. Date and place of next meeting 2001

Decision is postponed.

35. AOB

Kuno Ritschard: The Athletes Commission has now been working for several years but on an administrative point of view this was never incorporated in the by-laws. Also, the Executive Board in Milan 1999 took a decision concerning dress at award ceremonies but the by-laws were not updated. The following by-law changes are hence proposed:


The Athletes Commission will consist of 8 athletes, 3 from the Tournament discipline (1 per Region), 1 each from the Barefoot, Cable Ski, Disabled, Racing and Wakeboard disciplines.

The Athletes Commission shall appoint from amongst its members 2 representatives from different disciplines to the Executive Board.

The Athletes Commission shall appoint 1 representative for each Divisional Council. They shall be voting members.


It is the responsibility of each National Federation to ensure its medal winners wear the appropriate team uniform. Personal sponsorship on clothing shall not be permitted.

Kuno Ritschard moves – Graziano Tognala second - Approved unanimously.

Glen Coles: Asks the IWSF to investigate about an insurance applicable around the world for Waterski and Wakeboard, as this is getting more and more difficult.

Move for Graziano Tognala to investigate on the possibilities to come to an agreement with an insurance company to make a public liability insurance, valid world-wide, available to our Member Federations all over the world.

Graziano Tognala moves – Chris Howarth second Approved

Vern Oberg:

Vern Oberg moves – Graziano Tognala second -Approved unanimously

Jeffry Armstrong asks Andres Botero or Graziano Tognala if they ever received inquiries about the IWSF policy or spoke personally about it with Brian McPherson. This did not happen. Therefore it be minuted clearly that the IWSF is very dismayed that an executive director of one of its own Federations writes such an article without first hand information. Andres Botero will write an official letter to ask clarification.

As all matters have been attended to, Andres Botero thanks all Executive Board Members for their attendance and adjourns the meeting at 13.00.