24Nov07 IWSF holds Coaching & Development Seminar in Cuba

Coaching Seminar Instructors and Participants

The IWSF held its first Coaching & Development Seminar in Cuba from 16th ? 18th November. As part of the Development Commission?s strategy to help further the sport in the Central Americas and the Caribbean the seminar was attended by 21 coaches from 3 countries, Cuba, Colombia and Ecuador.

The seminar was hosted by the Hemingway International Yacht Club of Havana who offered excellent hospitality and facilities and was organised by IWSF President Kuno Ritschard. Based on the format developed from the EAME Coaching Commission seminars, which are now in their 6th year, the seminar was delivered by John Wood (GBR), Jean Michel Cau (FRA) and Larry Gisler (ARG) in both Spanish and English. The 3 day programme was adapted through break out groups to meet the needs of all the coaches and also included a practical session out on the water.

?The coaches who attended this, our first seminar in the PanAm Region, were so enthusiastic and demanding of knowledge. I am sure this will be a start point for both the sport in Cuba and further development in the Region? said John Wood IWSF DC Chairman. The seminar also attracted Cuban Television coverage to raise the profile of the sport in the country.

The IWSF Development Commission is now working towards their second seminar with China as the possible venue.