08May07 IWSF distributes WADA Athlete's Guide

The IWSF has adopted anti-doping rules to implement the World Anti-Doping Agency's requirements for athletes.
The IWSF anti-doping rules are available on our web site www.iwsf.com and we hope you have already downloaded a copy.
In order to give Federations and Athletes an easier understanding of the rules, we are making available a copy of the World Anti-Doping Agency's athlete's guide in pdf format. These rules are in English, French or Spanish so you can take the copy that best suits you.
IWSF wants to make sure that all athletes are aware of these rules and requirements, and we ask that you pass this document on to your Federation athletes.
It is IWSF policy to strictly enforce these rules, and we want to ensure that all athletes are fully informed concerning these requirements.
A further valuable resource for Anti Doping information is the WADA website www.wada-ama.org
Athletes Guides
English Version
French Version
Spanish Version
Please note: The attachments are in .pdf format, and can be opened with Adobe Acrobat 6.0 and higher. If you have trouble opening the documents please update your Acrobat Reader free of charge at www.adobe.com. Kind regards, Andréa Landau IWSF Administration