02Apr11 Tournament Waterski Rulebook Re-issued

The 3 Event Tournament Rulebook has been reformatted as noted when it was initially issued. The Tournament Council has made some additional decisions regarding the Rules.

The TC decided to add an additional seeding method regarding the top 5 overall skiers. Whatever seed group the top ranked skier of the 5 top overalls in that event is in, the other 4 top 5 overall skiers will be added to as additional skiers skiing first in that group unless they are already in the group where they will ski their normal position.
Example: Men Slalom - seed group size 15
Top 5 overall skiers seeds:
Overall #1 - slalom seed 56
Overall #2 - slalom seed 34
Overall #3 - slalom seed 18
Overall #4 - slalom seed 72
Overall #5 - slalom seed 81
This means that all 5 skiers will ski in seed #2 based on the seed of Overall skier #3. Since he is the only skier in seed group #2, the others will go out in seed order at the start of seed #2 as follows:
1. Overall #5 - slalom seed 81
2. Overall #4 - slalom seed 72
3. Overall #1 - slalom seed 56
4. Overall #2 - slalom seed 34
5. 2nd Seed slalom skier seed 30
6. 2nd Seed slalom skier seed 29
... 17. 2nd Seed slalom skier seed 18 - also Overall skier #3
18. 2nd Seed slalom skier seed 17
19. 2nd Seed slalom skier seed 16 - top skier in seed group #2
The 2nd seed is increased from 15 to 19 skiers in this example.

The second decision was regarding the number of performances that can be submitted for ranking list or record purposes at a specific site. This has been in the rules as a limit of four. However, the TC wanted to clarify the situation.
In any one tournament, no more than four rounds in each event are eligible for homologation or for setting records.
Tournaments may not be held on consecutive days, or alternate days at the same site unless they conform to the 4 round rule above.
There must be 3 clear days between one tournament and the next tournament at the same site.
If more than 4 performances are submitted, only the first four will be used and the situation will be examined as a violation of the rules.
This is an interim measure for 2011. It also supercedes any existing rule in teh rulebook which may seem to be contradicting it.
If any Federation feels that there is a specific case that this should not apply to, the should contact the TC for a specific ruling.
The TC will review the site and performance limitation for the 2012 Rules.