28Mar11 2011 International Hall of Fame Selections Announced

Des Burke-Kennedy IRL, Chairman of the International Hall of Fame Selection Committee, today announced the names of the outstanding individuals to be inducted to the Hall of Fame at the World Waterski Championships in Dubna, Russia, on Wednesday, July 20th 2011. In the past 22 years, only 43 Skiers and 20 Officials have received this special accolade.

The Selection Rules limit the number of Inductees every two years to a maximum of five individuals. For the first time since the award's inception in 1989, at the previous Ceremony in Calgary in 2009, all of the inductees were Skiers. This time, three Skiers and two Officials were chosen.

Apart from the non-voting Chairman, the Selection Committee comprised the following : PanAm Confederation : Carole Lowe USA, George Athans CAN, and Edgardo Martin ARG; EA Confederation : Guenther Ludwig GER, Stefan Rauchenwald AUT and Chantal Amade Escot FRA; AAO Confederation : Ian Faulkner AUS, Murray Eade NZL and Bruce Cockburn AUS.

Those selected for induction in 2011 are as follows:

William P Barlow Jr USA

Since his 1959 appointment as WWSU Technical Committee Chairman, he has contributed over 40 years of service to our Federation at the highest level including Executive Board Member for thirteen years, eighteen years as International Hall of Fame Chairman having drafted its original Rules, and Judging at seven World Waterski Championships.

Kim Izzard (Lampard) AUS

Won fifteen medals at World Barefoot Championships with 10 gold medals between 1980 - 1986, including Wake Slalom, Tricks, Overall and Starts, four-time World Overall Champion, winning her first World Barefoot title at 14 years of age.

Andy Mapple OBE GBR

Set eleven World Slalom Records between 1985 - 1996, two World Tournament Championship Records, 168 Professional victories, fourteen-time US Masters Slalom Champion and also fourteen-time Moomba Masters Slalom Champion.

Mick Neville AUS

Won eight medals at World Water Championships 1981-1987 in Slalom, Tricks and Overall, represented Australia in eight World Waterski Championships and won twenty-three Australian National Titles.

Bilo Oliveras ESP

Past President of IWSF 1983-1991, past President of Region EAME 1980 -1982, IWSF Technical Council Member 1977-1981 and Olympic Movement Commission Member 1988 - 1993.
All of those selected have already been contacted and have indicated that they will make a special effort to attend the International Hall of Fame Ceremony in the Theatre in Dubna, Russia, on July 20th next. It promises to be a great occasion.

Details of all inducted in the past to the International Hall of Fame since its 1989 inception are available at : http://www.iwsf.com/halloffame/WallOfFame/wall.php