13Aug10 Team Champions crowned at World Barefoot Championships

World Barefoot Championships Team Overall

  1. USA
  2. Australia
  3. Republic of South Africa

Open Team Results Click here
Senior Team Results Click here
Junior Team Results Click here
Open Overall Results Click here
Senior Overall Results Click here
Junior Overall Results Click here

Thursday offered up some exciting competition, including a world record jump by Elaine Heller (USA) at 21.0 meters surpassing a record jump of 20.9 meters by Ashleigh Stebbeings (AUS) set in the first round. The jump scores have been amazing.

The United States won the open gold medal at the World Barefoot Championships today. In the Senior Championship the Australian team won the and Gold and the Junior Championship was an amazing come from behind win by the United States after Cody Ebbert (USA) tricked 6350 in the Semi-final round boosting the Americans passed the Australians.
Reported by Brian Heeney