09Aug07 Emeritus Waterski President Elected New IOC Member

At a meeting of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board in Beijing in May, IOC President Jacques Rogge proposed that Andres Botero (COL) be nominated for election as an IOC member. This proposal was approved by the IOC at their recent Guatamala session. The other new members are HRH Princess Haya bint Al-Hussein (UAE), Rita Subowo (INA) and Patrick Baumann (SUI). This brings to 140, the total number of current IOC members.

Andr?s Botero, President of the Colombian Olympic Committee, a keen sportsman, has won several national and international Waterski titles. At the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich in Germany he participated in Waterskiing as an official demonstration sport. For a period of ten consecutive years he served as President of the International Water Ski Federation. He was a driving force behind the establishment to the Waterski World Cup series which is now a truly global event. Botero has also served as President of the Association of the IOC Recognised International Sports Federations (ARISF).

Returning to his Waterski roots in September this year, Andres Botero will be inducted in to the International Water Ski Federation?s Hall of Fame. This will take place at the World Championships in Linz in Austria.