12Sep09 New Name And Logo For Major Water Sports Federation

The International Water Ski Federation (IWSF) was founded in 1946 in Geneva, Switzerland. As the world governing body for Towed Water Sports, it is also recognized as the sole authority for both Waterski and Wakeboard by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The IWSF represents 90 National Federations in Asia / Australasia, Europe, Africa, Middle East, North America, Central America and South America, with approximately 52,000 competitors and 30 million active participants.

Following careful consideration and a half-century of development and growth, the Executive Board of the IWSF announced that the name International Water Ski Federation (IWSF), will immediately be changed to :


In keeping with this name change, the Executive Board has also released a totally new Logo for the Federation, designed by Boris Dallafontana of Mexico and Italy www.dallastudio.com

The existing Federation Website will continue as before and can now be accessed also at : www.iwwfed.com

The Executive Board highlighted six reasons for these changes, as follows :