06Aug09 IWSF Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony held in Calgary

Britt and Tawn Larsen USA, Tory Baggiano USA, Andrea Alessi ITA, Kaye Thurlow-Faulkner AUS and Susi Graham CAN

A maximum of five individuals may be selected in each two-year period for the International Hall of Fame. The primary selection considerations in voting for a skier are skiing record in the World Championships, World Records set, sportsmanship, character and integrity. For officials, the primary considerations are significant contributions to waterskiing at international level over a period of at least 15 years. The first Hall of Fame members were elected in 1989.

Flames Central in downtown Calgary is a very impressive theatre. Its huge multi video screens cover the walls and stage area. Tonight, Wm.P.Barlow Jr, Chairman of the Selection Committee, launched the Hall of Fame ceremony to a backdrop of great waterski photos and videos on the screens and the packed attendance gave the inductees a very warm reception. This was a spectacular event and the new Hall of Fame members above will now join the elite membership of this exclusive club!

See information on past inductees here

Hall of Fame Inductees Photo Gallery

Bill Barlow, Andrea Alessi,
EAME President Alain Amade

Bill Barlow, Tory Baggiano,
Frank Harrison

Bill Barlow, Susi Graham,
Clint Ward

Bill Barlow, Britt and Twan Larsen
Tony Baggiano

Bill Barlow, Kaye Thurlow,
Ron Fergusson