24Jun09 Waterski And Wakeboard World Cup Releases 2009 Calendar Details And New Website

To date, the Waterski and Wakeboard World Cup series of the International Water Ski Federation (IWSF) has successfully completed 26 Stops around the world. In doing this, sponsors and host cities have invested over US$10 million in the series and cash prizes exceeding US$2 million have been earned by the Skiers and Riders. The TV show and News Edit of all World Cup Stops have each been distributed to over 500 million viewers and Media Releases transmitted to key contacts in 192 countries. Now we are just two weeks away from launching yet another Waterski and Wakeboard World Cup season.

In spite of the severe and understandable financial pressures on many World Cup hosts at this time, the series will continue with Stops 27, 28 and 29 at the superb site in Dubna, Russia, on July 10/12, an exciting new addition to the series in Liuzhou, China, on October 1/3, and a very welcome return visit to Putrajaya, Malaysia on November 6/8. Dubna will feature Jump and Shortboard. Liuzhou will feature Jump and Wakeboard. Putrajaya will feature Jump, Slalom and Shortboard. Several other Stops opted to transfer to the 2010 World Cup calendar awaiting improvements in the various Economies.

To support the 2009 Waterski and Wakeboard World Cup calendar, the official Website has been again updated with a wide range of interesting visuals to enjoy. The regular News bulletins will report the details as usual of each World Cup Stop with photos, results and background information. All can be accessed on http://www.waterskiandwakeboardworldcup.com

Having supported all 26 World Cup Stops to date, MasterCraft will once again continue as the official World Cup boat sponsors. They already have the complex logistics programme in place to ensure that all the equipment and support crews are ready in time at each venue.

Where available, TV schedules will also be posted on the official Website throughout the season.

Full details will be released shortly on the athletes who have been successful in qualifying for entry in this 2009 World Cup series. Competition for places has been hotter than ever. Those on the waiting lists are checking daily to see if they have made it. With an estimated 30,000,000 active participants in the sport, getting into the top twenty region is strictly for the World?s best Skiers and Riders. We wish them all every success in the 2009 Waterski and Wakeboard World Cup season ahead.

CONTACT : Des Burke-Kennedy, Media Chairman, International Waterski Federation

For Sponsorship opportunities, contact marketing@iwsf.com

Web Site : www.waterskiandwakeboardworldcup.com

Waterski & Wakeboard World Cup

Official Towboat of the 2009 World Cup

International Water Ski Federation