08Feb09 Successful Region EAME Congress Concluded Today In Zagreb Croatia

106 EAME Delegates from 34 Federations

For the first time, the Croatian Water Ski Federation (CWSF) hosted the Annual Region EAME Congress here in the city of Zagreb. All were welcomed by Arsen Sihtar, CWSF President. With 106 delegates representing 34 Federations presnt, this was one of the most successful Congresses to date. The Monaco Federation attended for the first time and was welcomed by all.

The official opening of the Congress was attended by Zagreb?s Mayor, Milan Bandic, who happens to be a serious long distance runner and also a keen supporter of our sport. He is negotiating with the IWSF World Cup team for the hosting of a World Cup Stop in Zagreb. World Waterski Jump Champion, Ageliki Andriopoulou GRE, also attended as the Athletes Representative.

Ageliki Andriopoulou - Athletes Representative

The action packed Agenda raised many important issues, including the World Games, Mediterranean Games, the expansion of TV coverage and lessons learned from the World Cup experiences regarding the branding of our sport, Airline Waterski and Wakeboard excess baggage charges, Environmental issues, Medical analysis of injuries, Calendar dates and competition bids by delegates, Finances, Athlete awards and applications by new countries wishing to affiliate to the IWSF. Full details will be available shortly on the EAME Web site.

Of particular interest was the question of athletes planning to attend the World Games in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, two weeks prior to the Waterski World Championships in Calgary, Canada. Kuno Ritschard, IWSF President, urged all countries to seriously double their efforts to be represented in Taiwan. In terms of Olympic ambitions, he stressed that attendance will be a significant measure of our sport?s ambitions to gain entry. The delegates present agreed to focus on this as a matter of urgency.

The 2010 EAME Congress will be held in Brussels, Belgium