27Nov08 IWSF Development Commission holds successful seminar in Beijing

IWSF Development Seminar participants in Beijing

Following on from the EAME Development Seminar in Cyprus in April the IWSF Development Commission held its second seminar of the year in Beijing last weekend. 38 coaches attended the seminar which was conducted by IWSF Development Commission members John Wood, Jean Michel Cau and Larry Gisler. The Seminar was hosted by the Chinese Water Ski Association and held at the Beijing Sports University, a superb facility which allowed for dual presentations in Chinese and English with full audio visual amenities.

The seminar is part of the IWSF Development Commission?s drive to further the sport worldwide through inclusion in Regional Multi Sport Games. IWSF DC Chairman John Wood explained, ?With the World University Championships in China in September, World Cup stop in Malaysia this month and with the World Games in Taiwan next year water skiing is developing in the Asia region and our seminar aimed to assist this development further by furthering coaching knowledge and encouraging more team and skier entries. IWSF President Kuno Ritschard has been working hard to bring the World Cup to the region and the push is on going for Asian Games inclusion in 2014 in South Korea. This strategy mirrors our work in EAME where our annual Development Seminars have been focussed on Mediterranean countries in the build up to the sport?s inclusion in the Mediterranean Games to be held in Pescara (ITA) in 2009. It was a pleasure to come to Beijing where the excellent facilities, assistance and hospitality of the Chinese Water Ski Association have been further enhanced by the enthusiasm of the coaches to learn and develop the sport in their countries.?