13Nov08 Doha Qatar Timetable For Last 2008 Stop Of Waterski And Wakeboard World Cup Series

Doha Qatar Timetable For Last 2008 Stop Of Waterski And Wakeboard World Cup Series

Competitors from 15 countries used the practice time available today in Doha Qatar to prepare for the Friday and Saturday final Waterski and Wakeboard World Cup Stop of the season. In perfect weather 28C conditions under clear blue Gulf skies, the competition MasterCraft boat was launched at 09.00hrs and practice continued till 17.00hrs as the sun set behind the spectacular and every changing Doha skyline.

Those athletes on the warm emerald green Diplomatic Club Canal World Cup site today included Chris Parrish USA, Jaret Llewellyn CAN, Nicolas Le Forestier FRA, Olivier Fortamps BEL, Thomas Degasperi ITA,? Nick Parsons USA, Jodi Fisher GBR, Harley Clifford AUS, Clementine Lucine FRA, Ageliki Andriopoulou GRE, Mandy Nightingale USA and Alex Lauretano USA. As many have not competed on salt water for some time, all were impressed with the conditions and are now ready for their last World Cup challenge of 2008.

This World Cup Stop will include Slalom, Shortboard/Tricks and Wakeboard. The schedule will also incorporate the Arab Waterski and Wakeboard Championships and the number of entrants from the Region is at a record high. Previous World Cup Stops in Doha have encouraged more and more athletes to compete.

Here is the World Cup Timetable for the coming days :


09.00? Semi-Finals - Shortboard Women and Men
10.45? Arab Waterski Championships Round 1 - Slalom
11.00? Semi-Finals - Slalom Women and Men

14.00? Semi-Finals Arab Wakeboard Championships - Round 1
15.00? World Cup Wakeboard Heats ProWomen
15.45 World Cup Wakeboard Heats ProMen


10.00? Arab Waterski Championships Finals - Slalom
10.20 Arab Wakeboard Championships Finals - Wakeboard
12.00? World Cup Finals - Slalom Women and Men
13.30? World Cup Finals - Shortboard Women and Men

15.00? World Cup Finals Wakeboard ProWomen
15.30? World Cup Finals Wakeboard ProMen / Head to Head

17.15? Prize Giving Ceremonies

For further details of the Waterski and Wakeboard World Cup series, go to : www.waterskiandwakeboardworldcup.com


CONTACT : Des Burke-Kennedy, Media Chairman, International Waterski Federation

For Sponsorship opportunities, contact marketing@iwsf.com

Web Site : www.iwsfworldcup.com


International Waterski Federation
Waterski & Wakeboard World Cup

Official Towboat Sponsor
for 2008 World Cup
Universal Sports

The Diplomatic Club

Qatar Marine
Sport Federation (QMSF)