04Feb08 IWSF Athletes Commission Finalized

The 2008 IWSF Athletes Commission membership has been finalized. Ageliki Andriopoulou has been appointed chairperson, and she along with Stuart Marston have been elected as the two voting representatives of the AC on the IWSF Executive Board. The membership of this commission is as follows:
Chair*: Ageliki Andriopoulou
IWSF Executive Board AC Voting Members*: Angeliki Andriopoulou &Stuart Marston

Marcus Brown (USA)** - PA Tournament - marcus@marcusbrown.net
Kyle Eade (AUS)** - AA Tournament - KJEade@aol.com
Clemetine Lucine (FRA)** - coEAME Tournament - Clementski@aol.com
Angeliki Andriopoulou (GRE)** - coEAME Tournament - aageliki@hotmail.com
Bill Bowness (USA)** - Disabled - bill@unlimitedskiing.com
Ann Procter (AUS)** - Racing - akprocter@hotmail.com
John Stekelenburg (AUS) ** - Barefoot - jstek@ncable.net.au
Cathy Williams (USA)** - Wakeboard - cathy@cathywilliams.com
Stuart Marston (GBR)** - Cable - stuart@llski.com

Camilo Espinel (COL)** - PA Tournament Alterrnate - skivision@yahoo.com
Emma Sheers (AUS)** - AA Tournament Alternate - dilemmas@hotmail.com

* Terms last until the next World Tournament Championships in 2009.
** Terms last until the next World Championships of the relevant sports discipline (Disabled, Tournament, Wakeboard &Racing in 2009 / Barefoot &Cable in 2008).