26Jan08 EAME Congress In Belgrade Completes Elections

Overview of the Hyatt Belgrade Congress Room and delegates from 27 countries

With 27 Europe, Africa and Middle East countries represented in Belgrade, Serbia, at the annual EAME Congress today, the extensive agenda created a great deal of positive debate. These included proposals put forward by Des Burke-Kennedy IRL of the IWSF on the sponsorship and TV challenges facing the sport. This was also an election year and the results have just been announced. The key appointments are Alain Amade FRA, President, Sid Adriaensen BEL, Secretary General and Dominique Lakens Douwes NED Treasurer. Alan Goggin GBR chaired the Congress.

Alan Goggin GBR Chairman of the EAME Congress and Alain Amade, President

Dr Bruno Fekete, President of the Water Ski Assoc.of Serbia, the host organisation, welcomed Aleksandar Sostar, Serbia's Vice Minister of Sport. He was a very successful international Water Polo star some years ago and invited all delegates to enjoy the generous hospitality of Belgrade.

Dr Bruno Fekete, President of the Water Ski Association of Serbia

Members of the EAME Councils were also elected and the competition for Council places was hard fought. Andy Harris GBR was elected Honorary EAME member on his retirement from a long and successful Barefoot career. The newly elected EAME Patrons were Bruno Rixen, Rixen Cable Ski systems, Olaf Boettcher, IWSF Technical Development, Klaus Boesch, Boesch Boats, Peter Methven, CorrectCraft Boats and Ian Birdsall, MasterCraft Boats. Minutes of the EAME Congress will be posted shortly on the EAME Website.

Participants and International Waterski stars, Ageliki Andriopoulou GRE and Mike Kjellandar SWE

The 2009 EAME Congress will be held in Zagreb, Croatia, on January 31st. next year.