05Mar15 Nautique Moomba Masters 2015 - downtown Melbourne sets the perfect stage!


Live scores are available here:
Moomba Masters: www.iwwfed-ea.org/competition.php?cc=T-15AUS326&page=live

Moomba Night Jump: www.iwwfed-ea.org/competition.php?cc=T-15AUS327&page=live

Junior Moomba Masters: www.iwwfed-ea.org/competition.php?cc=T-15AUS325&page=live

Full reports will be uploaded throughout on www.moombamasters.com and also on www.IWWFED.com

Few athletes ever get an opportunity to compete on such a unique stage which runs parallel to the
famous Melbourne F1 Grand Prix track at Albert Park. Surrounded by towering skyscrapers and
manicured parklands, with a history which can be traced back to 1953, the City of Melbourne and
Victorian Water Ski Association have created one of the worlds most spectacular sporting events.

CONTACT : Des Burke-Kennedy, Media Chairman, International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation